Team Recognition Award

Sharing the work that we do together as One IT also ignites ideas, inspiration and innovation across our function. Recognizing others for their achievements increases their sense of pride and allows us to celebrate.



Vote now!


Discover the nominees

Check the list of nominees and their exciting stories


Vote time

Now it’s time to vote. Remember: you can only vote for one team in each edition. So, choose wisely.


Current voting timeline will be from October 27th to November 9th 2022!


And the winners are...

Find out who’s the winning team this edition



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Life is so busy that we can often overlook things others do which make our lives easier. The work we do together makes us stronger and ultimately makes the outcome more successful.
This is why we are making it easy for you to recognize your colleagues for a great job done in a new way.

#ProudToBeIT Team Recognition Award

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